Thursday, January 5, 2012

Group ride, giftwrapping, and a New Year!

First, the fun stuff. We went on a crazily long group ride over Christmas Break with kids from a bunch of neighborhoods and FreeWheels classes getting a chance to know each other.

These kids rode their bikes in the snow, got a flat tire or two, up and down some of the biggest hills in KC, and a total of almost 20 miles, a pretty long ride for anybody, especially in the snow!

We even had a little bit of a crash (seriously, don't half-wheel!), which gave everybody a chance to show off their mechanics' skills and of course, their mad climbing.

Thanks to the adults who helped out with the group ride! Cindy Alexander, running the broom wagon (only used for a few blocks), Bretticus, the lovely folks at Volker Bicycles and of course Josh Hoffman, representing Rosedale.


Wrapping gifts at Macy's was a great opportunity for fundraising, and it's awesome to have a little bit of money on hand for parts and supplies. Thank you so much to everyone who helped! It was a lot of fun to hang out the week before Christmas, and we couldn't have done it without volunteers!

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